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in the end it will all be okay. if it's not okay, its not the end. -jason castro.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


at school they said we are gonna be in our same classes as last year for one week and then change us the next. so on monday they changed us but not very much. sooo.....i have pretty much my same class as last year (which i liked a lot) but...they took out four people and put in four others from the other classes including NIKI AND KASIE! so i love my class this year! i already liked it last year but now niki and kc are in it! but i don't know what the teachers were thinking...i mean putting me, niki, kc, and alex all together....? :D oh well.! they already did it, so... thats one thing im gonna like about this year. and tomorow is a pep rally! we made some cute posters for it this afternoon so...it should be fun tomorow, i'm excited!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

twilight movie anouncement!

omg! omg! omg! the Twilight movie is going to come out on NOVEMBER 21st now!!! not december 12! yey! i'm so excited! if you dont believe me then...just click this: http://stepheniemeyer.com/

Friday, August 15, 2008


last night me toria, micaela, niki, and cami had a sleepover. but caroline and cristina didnt get to come..:( which was not good. haha. but we had fun. and kelly robbins came to but she slept in my room and we slept downstairs. and we set up the ping pong table, the big tv, and toria brought her popcorn maker yesterday so there was lots of stuff to do. and then this morning we had waffles with lots of toppings. so...ya!

oh! my favorite song right now: hot 'n' cold - katy pery. i love it!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

almost home.

well last saturday the 2nd of august we drove up to utah to stay with uncle tom and aunt charlie! ive had lots of fun this week. the night we got here (saturday) me, jesse, melissa, and mom went to go buy breaking dawn at walmart at midnight. and we didnt have to wait in line cuz it already came out the night before. we kinda broke the sabbath i guess cuz it was 12 a.m. on sunday morning. but oh well! :D. then the next day we went to church. (boring). then on monday... i think we just stayed around the house and mom took max and taylor school shopping. or something i dont remember. then the next day we went to seven peaks and i called leslie to meet me there since shes been in utah so she came and we spent almost the whole day there! it was fun since i havent seen her not even once this summer. the next day mom took me school shopping even though i didnt really want to go cuz its no fun when you have uniforms..but i did get some really cute shoes and a backpack. then we went to the canyon and grilled some corn and some quesadillas and made s'mores...but me melissa, tj, and jesse went home early cuz it got kinda boring there and at home tj and jesse started dancing and it was halarious. we recorded them and said we should put it on youtube. it was sooo funny! the next day we went to salt lake and went to temple square, the tabernacle, the conference center, pres. hinckleys grave, and places like that. we took amy and unclecarlos with us too. and then the next day everybody went garage selling and then they came back about 10 and ate breakfast. and then they took me and we left again. then amy came over again and the little kids (taylor, justin, and katelyn) had a "homemade lemonade and cookie sale" and they got about 16 bucks! (most of it was from the parents thought). haha. so i mostly spent the day outside with them and amy and watching max and austin ramp their bikes on tj's ramps. and austin says that everyone is his hero...except for me and he didnt know my name at first so he called me redhead...but it just stuck so ya. and today we went to church and then came home and ate chile con carne, orange rice and frijoles charros and it was delicious! and im sure that all of the events i just said are all out of order and not on the right days but thats jsut how i remembered them. oh ya! i finished breaking dawn ...one of those days i cant remember. but i would have finished it way faster if i was at home cuz thats all i would be doing is sitting on my bed reading. it was good just some parts were kinda..... ya know. but i loved it i just wish there was a 5t book! :(

so. im leaving early tomorow morning and then staying the night at the ranch and going home on tuesday morning (hopefully). and im sure the first ppl i will see when i get home is cameryn and sophie and maybe matthew. (haha like last time) and maybe niki too.. idk. but it was fun out here but im glad im going home now! and thats it for now bye!

Thursday, July 31, 2008


izzy (isabelle)
chewing on something.
toria throwing izzy up in the air. =D
Annie (the mom)

here's Izzy (Isabelle), my baby! oh, she's SO cute and very playful right now. she's half Labrador retriever and something else i don't know what. Annie (the great mom) was about 63 years old (in dog years) when she had 5 little puppies. we didn't even know she was pregnant until a few weeks after because we didn't know she could still have puppies! but 3 did die. we gave one away (a male named Dan) but at least we got to keep izzy! i love her to death!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

i'm home!

i just got back yesterday from being at the ranch and shopping in el paso! and the ranch wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. it was actually kinda fun! gramma judy and the Calls came out for a few days to help with the round up and i kinda felt bad for the calls cuz they had to stay in the bunk room. it has about 6 or 7 mattresses in one big room with one bathroom. me and mom cleaned it out before they came and it was pretty dirty. but we got it all nice and clean for them. then rounding up the cattle was the funnest. i got to take my horse (the black one with a white stripe down its nose and one white foot) and go with all the boys to round up the cattle in the pastures then take them back to the corals by the house to be branded. i didn't really help with the branding though. the second day was the bestbecause we were rounding the cattle up in a bigger pasture so there was a lot more cattle, and it was overcast most of the morning so it wasn't hot like the day before, and then joey, Paula and their family came over to help with the branding. the part i like a lot about rounding up is when a cow breaks away from the heard, how fast horses can run to chase it. and cows can run pretty fast. i love running on horses and seeing how fast they can gothough. another fun thing we did was everynight me, max, victoria c.,bowen c., dane and uriel would all go and play spoons on the dining room table. we laughed sooo much at like everything. and then in el paso all we did was go school shopping and eat and sleep. wasnt too fun since i really only need to get jeans and shoes.

Monday, July 21, 2008

some pictures of jason.

i know, I'm a little obsessed.!

woah. no dread locks!! isnt he cute! mom says he looks kinda like jordan..?
jason and ryan on ai! doesnt he have a cute smile?
cute picture!

twilight & jason.

so i have learned how addicting looking at twilight and jason castro stuff are on the internet. last night and the other night i stayed up until 2 a.m.! one night looking at twilight stuff and the next looking at jason castro stuff! wow. its very addicting. and while i am doing all of that, of course i'm editing my blog! i didn't know it could be that addicting!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

gotta go...dang it!

great. so on Wednesday its Niki's birthday and that's the same day we are leaving to go to the ranch for the round up! i don't really wanna go because there wont be much to do out there and i know i will be bored for most of the time. i think it will be hot too so it wont be very much fun to ride the horses in the middle of the day, only late in the afternoon when it cools down...i guess i could ride the four wheeler around for fun?? or help with the round up?? actually ill probably have to do that anyway. and the worst part is that i HAVE to go because are going school shopping in el paso afterwards, otherwise i probably wouldn't go at all. then i have to miss out on Niki's party which i wanted to go to on Wednesday...dang it! and i was hoping we would be out there on august second cuz that's when breaking dawn comes out...but i don't think we are. well thats it, bye!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

some twilight pictures. oooo!

i dont like this picture. it looks too..."hollywood" idk how to say it. 1. bella is too tan, it says shes almost as white as the vampires. 2. her hair doesnt curl. 3. she never wears make up. 4. edwards chest is kinda hairy (gross!) 5. bella hates wearing dresses. what d'ya think?
this one's awesome!
this one is cool i guess...but what does the moon have to do with it? i like it though, they look so good together in this picture! i like this one the most!
i think robert pattinson is super cute, especially for edward and kristen is almost perfect for bella! the rest of the cast...i dont really know who they are but i dont think some are "inhumanly beautiful". anywho...i am sooo excited to see the movie! i can hardly wait!

Friday, July 18, 2008

prom dresses

wow. they got almost every color.

how sad!

aauw. haha. i like this picture.

rain, rain, rain, and more...rain

these past two weeks it has been raining here like crazy. almost every afternoon there is a thunderstorm. and with all that rain there is lightning too, of course. it is amazing to watch but at the same time kinda scary, especcially when it gets very close to the house.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

american idol top ten tour!

grabing a bite to eat before the concert
kissing jason's face. we sent this picture to the camera crew people and the put it on the slideshow at the breaks and begining.
jason singing
before the concert started a camera crew was going around taking pictures to pu in the slide show during the breaks and at the begining and they put our picture on the big screen!

wow. the concert was sooooo much fun!! especially cuz i got to see all the top 10 idols sing like david cook, david archuleta, syesha mecado, JASON CASTRO (my favorite), brooke white, carly smithson, michael johns, cristy lee cook, ramiele malubay, chikezie!

when jason started singing i started screaming and my mom, kelsee, and aunt sheree, were laughing at me a lot...but anyway...it was awesome! after the concert we saw some people out were the buses leave so we went over there and waited for a while then david cook came out with his video camera and recorded all of the fans out there (including me) and then others came out and when jason castro came out i screamed again (alot) and then i yelled realy loud and said JASON I LOVE YOU!! and then HE LOOKED AT ME and pointed his finger at me!! it was so cool and very very fun.

the little cuties' bubble bath

taylor and kylie in the bathtub. me and kelsee had the "grand idea" of dumping bubble bath into the tub and turning the jets on. the bubbles almost overflowed but aunt sheree made us turn the jets off after while. anyway it was fun to watch them especially when then would slide down the side of the bathtub and fall into the water. bubbles would splash everywhere when that happened.

Friday, June 20, 2008


i see you there in glory shining bright,
following the sun and its path of light.